Entries from 2017-04-01 to 1 month

Paleo Meals For Busy Lunchtime, Supper & Desserts Recipe Book)

Check When IN THE EVENT YOU Try This? to find out more about when following the paleo diet might be beneficial. I started this website four years ago as an exploration of the Paleolithic diet as a restorative option in diabetes and prediab…

Paleolithic Diet Vs. South Beach Diet

The paleo diet has obtained some flak to be a little too restrictive in terms of available food selections. However, after learning more concerning this particular caveman diet , it looks like these allegations are relatively unfounded. Mu…

National Geographic

Late last year, someone asked me a question I couldn't quite answer: Do things such as veganism, vegetarianism, and Paleoism work with intuitive eating?” I often field questions about intuitive eating and whether it's appropriate for certa…

The Beneficial Effects Of A Paleolithic Diet On Type 2 Diabetes And Other Risk Factors

The Paleo Diet is one of the latest diet styles around. With superstar fans and even high-end restaurants taking notice of Paleo guidelines, some might even say Paleo has gone mainstream. As the dietary plan has grown in recognition, so to…